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The Advantages of Cold Heading In Parts Manufacturing

At one time, Cold- Heading was thought as an option only suitable for small fasteners but today, cold heading is used for a wide range of metals, sizes and configurations. Depending on the type of parts needed for machinery, there are several ways to form your parts. Some of the most common methods are cold heating (or forming) and machining. Each provide different uses, but depending on your needs, one could be more beneficial over the other. The infographic below will explain the differences between cold heading and traditional machining.


Cold forming is one of the most cost-effective methods of forging in today’s market. For example, estimates indicate that this process can reduce your part cost as much as 40 to 60%. These savings, in addition to the virtual elimination of scrap at a time where metals are at some of their highest prices, may make cold-heading the only economically viable choice.


The accompanying resource presents a good overview of the advantages and potential limitations of this process. It’s valuable reading if you are unfamiliar with metal forming options or are looking for improvements on parts that are currently being forged, stamped, cast or by traditional machining. Continue reading for more.

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