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Green Energy for Your Home: 4 Domestic Sustainable Heating Technologies You Must Consider

Adopting sustainability in your home environment is a great way to go green. 

Green technology can be incorporated in many different areas and elements in an individual’s home. Through this, you can have a better lifestyle while also doing your bit for the environment.

That said, using sustainable heating technologies for your home is a great area to start with.

While most of us use some kind of heating system at home, not all of them promote sustainability. Switching these for better green technologies is a great choice for both you and the environment.

Moreover, when it comes to heating systems for home, as compared to other domestic technologies, they use more energy while also costing more money. Here, using greener alternatives serve as a smarter choice – from heat pumps and boilers to radiators, there are many sustainable options available for you.

With this in mind, mentioned below are a few domestic sustainable heating technologies that you could consider for your home.

Let’s take a look!

1. Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are modern, energy-efficient heating systems that provide low carbon heating. Every kilowatt of electricity used to operate a domestic heat pump gives back four times the energy it consumes. 

What’s more, when it comes to heat pump installation, these systems by itself are of different types. The most popular ones, however, are – air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps.

For those who don’t know about these systems, below we’ve covered the topic in detail.

a. Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs)

A domestic air source heat pump is basically a heating system that absorbs heat from the outside and uses it to heat your property and provide hot water. They are incredibly efficient and work well with other technologies like boilers and radiators.

Furthermore, when it comes air source heat pump installation, these units are further divided into two different subtypes:

  • Air-to-air – These pumps generate warm air and distribute it through fans in your living space.
  • Air-to-water – These pumps, on the other hand, transmit heat through a water-based central heating system.

More to the point, ASHPs along with being sustainable also have various other advantages. The two common benefits are:

  • Even at lower temperatures, these pumps can still provide enough heat for your home.
  • They serve as a dual heating system for your home, as they can heat both air and water.

By contacting an air source heat pump company, you can seamlessly integrate these heat pumps in your home without any hassle. Additionally, through air source heat pump installation, your heating system generates carbon-neutral energy which significantly reduces energy and fuel costs for you.

b. Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs)

Although slightly more complex than ASHPs, ground source heat pumps are also a great sustainable heating technology. 

There’s no denying that its installation requires quite a bit of time, but the environmental benefits make adding this system to your domestic space completely worth it.

Yes, a GSHP requires you to install pipes deep beneath the ground in order to extract the surface heat from the ground and then use it to heat various units like underfloor heating and radiators. However, this is what makes them a great choice for your domestic heating system.

This technology helps you save space, is fully automated and requires no prior planning permission. 

To enhance the already existing benefits, they are also extremely energy efficient; after installing these heat pumps, you’ll be sure to notice a considerable drop in your energy bills.

2. Electric Radiators

With electric heating systems slowly gaining popularity amongst homeowners, many people have started purchasing different types of designer aeon radiators for their property.

Moreover, these electric heating systems don’t require fuel to generate warmth; they are more energy-efficient and a sustainable alternative to traditional heating units. 

Among the different types of electric heating systems available in the market, electric aeon radiators are considered as one of the most efficient units. They’re not only also cost-effective but also help you reduce your overall costs on energy bills.

However, these radiators work through the uniting of two concepts – convection and radiation. This is what makes them very effective heaters for your living space as any heat that is lost is again absorbed by these radiators.

Benefits of Electric Radiators

Being a sustainable green technology that can be used in domestic spaces, heating units like aeon vertical radiators provide every homeowner with several benefits. These include:

  • Better Heat Retention: Electric radiators efficiently sustain heat despite any type of air movement, meaning they are much more systematic than other types of heating systems.

Even though convection heat can be lost through air movement, the heat supplied will make up for this loss and keep the room warm even if you’ve cracked a window open.

  • Sophisticated Controls: Built with various features, electric radiators have controls which can be adjusted according to your needs. The heat zoning and thermostat features, for example, allow you to create a warm environment with the temperature being regulated according to your liking.
  • Style Quotient and Aesthetic Appeal: While being energy efficient and sustainable, electric heaters come in various customisations. This can increase the aesthetic appeal of your home’s heating system. 

Designer radiators that work on electricity, for instance, have become a popular heating system amongst homeowners. From traditional and simpler designs to classy and edgy patterns, there are different models of designer radiators available for you to choose from. Moreover, since radiators are low maintenance and aesthetically appealing with various environmental benefits, they serve as a good investment for the long run.

  • Green and Environmentally-friendly: Unlike other heating systems, electric radiators make use of 100% of the energy produced and cause next to no wastage. 

All the energy used by the radiator is converted into heat for your living space. Moreover, they are carbon neutral which makes them environmentally friendly. Since no fuel is consumed in the working of this heating system, there are zero chances of harmful emissions of any type of gas.

Electric radiators serve as an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly heating technology, meaning they’ll be a great addition to your home. If you’re looking to incorporate sustainable heating technology into your living space, then electric heaters serve as an excellent choice.

3. Biomass Boilers

Biomass boilers serve as a better alternative to traditional boilers as they don’t require oil or gas to work. These boilers instead make use of wood chips or pellets and this is what makes installing biomass boilers a sustainable choice for your home.

When it comes to the actual working of the boiler, irrespective of the system you invest in, the process is relatively simple. Whether you have a manual boiler or a fully-automated one, all it needs is wooden chips or pellets to operate.

Different Types of Biomass Boilers

Here are a few types of biomass boilers that you could purchase:

a. Fully Automated Biomass Boiler

As the name suggests, this boiler automatically feeds in the wood chips or pellets to its combustion chamber; the process is fully automated and depending on the model, the boiler can hold up to one year’s worth of fuel at once.

b. Semi-Automatic Biomass Boiler

These boilers are more compact than the traditional ones and its domestic version is suitable for most residential areas. Their efficiency and space-saving design along with its aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice amongst homeowners.

c. Pellet Stove Boiler

Pellet stove boilers cater to both air and water heating requirements. They are highly aesthetic and can be easily installed in any room of your home.

d. Pellet Boiler

This type of boiler requires minimal interaction and maintenance and serves as a brilliant heating system for your home. Often installed in utility rooms, this boiler is hassle-free and can be updated through various available add-on options.

Biomass Boiler Heating Process

The biomass boiler heating process requires no supervision, making it one of the most suitable choices when it comes to heating systems.

However, an essential factor you need to keep in mind is that these boilers require an appropriate space for the storage of fuel – a shed or a garage serve as suitable spaces for this.

What’s more, biomass boilers serve as a very efficient and low-carbon generating form of heating. While the bulky machine may seem overwhelming, take into account the automated process and various environmental and pocket-friendly benefits it has to offer.

With the rising prices of oil and increased energy costs, it only makes sense for you to choose a smart alternative like a biomass boiler. This ensures that you move away from the expensive and quickly depleting fossil fuels to rely on a more sustainable choice.

4. Solar Thermal Panels

Solar thermal panels are a water heating system that absorbs heat from the sun and uses it to provide you with hot water.

These panels basically use solar collectors to absorb sunlight after which the fluid in the panels heat up. This heat is then spread through coils to your cylinder to heat the water that’s stored in it. After this, it’s available for you to use.

While its working process might seem a bit overwhelming, know that solar panels work seamlessly with any pre-existing heating system in your home. Although, they work much better when used alongside a domestic heat pump.

Furthermore, a major benefit of using solar panels is that it works efficiently for 365 days a year, even during the cold seasons and takes care of a major percentage of your hot water needs. 

Yes, they are a significant investment which requires a lot of thinking but the various benefits it has to offer makes the decision worth it.

However, for maximum function and efficiency, there are two important prerequisites:

  • The panel works best when installed in a place that receives enough sunlight; making arrangements on your roof or outdoor spaces to install solar panels will only work if there is enough sunlight.
  • A solar thermal panel requires a solar cylinder in order to function with high efficiency.

If the above-mentioned prerequisites are a major problem for you, then these factors can be easily solved by making the necessary changes.

Nonetheless, ensure that you’re seeking professional advice from solar thermal panel experts. This is because, before the installation process, they can guide you and provide suggestions to make sure you receive the best functionality out of this technology.

Different Types of Solar Panels

As mentioned earlier, solar panels require solar collectors to work properly. Based on your requirement and availability of space, here are the different types of panels that you could use for your home:

a. Flat Plate Collectors

As the name suggests, these types of panels are installed flat on your roof. They have a large faced surface which absorbs the solar energy for your heating system. An excellent choice for the long run, these panels suit properties that require re-roofing and serve as a great investment for your home. 

b. Evacuated Tube Collectors

These solar panels work great for those who don’t have much roof space. They are incredibly versatile and can be installed on most types of roofs. More flexible than flat plate panels, an evacuated tube solar panel can even be fitted on your wall.

Why Go for Solar Thermal Panels?

There are many advantages when it comes to the installation of a solar thermal panel. 

While being an efficient and renewable energy source, solar thermal panels are also robust and easy to install. Based on your requirements, the installer can adjust and fit the solar panels in your preferred space. Additionally, not only do you reduce your carbon footprint but also save a lot of money on energy bills. 

Thanks to these benefits, solar panels have become one of the best heating technologies that you must consider for your home to adopt sustainability in your lifestyle.

To Sum Up

With various challenges that our environment faces, doing our part to help make it better will help us build a better future. Taking initiative wherever possible, especially in our home may be the much-needed step to promote better and more sustainable living.

Moving away from traditional heating systems to use better sustainable alternatives is a major step towards improving sustainability in your home. This not only promotes green energy but also helps you reduce costs on your energy bills.

Incorporate these domestic heating technologies in your living space to begin your journey towards sustainability.

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